Walls and Barricades the “Big Wall”

The new topic in Year 5 is Walls and Barricades which is all about famous walls and castle defences. To kick off this topic each class built a wall out of junk material. We evaluated our walls against three criteria. Which was the biggest, which was the strongest and which was the neatest. The children in each class worked really well displaying fantastic team work.

Holly classes’ wall was definitely the biggest.

Hazel classes’ wall was definitely the neatest.

We have yet to test it for strength. Watch this space.

If you want to find out more about castles and famous walls click on the links below and search for walls and castles in the box at the bottom of the page.




Moving Toys

As part of our leisure topic, Year 5 created their own moving toys. First, they had to investigate levers to learn how to make the toys move. Then they had to decide on a theme and a target audience. The results were outstanding. Click continue reading to see all of their fantastic examples.

Click on the link to have a go yourself and then bring it to show us in Year 5. Link: making a moving toy

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